Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Getting Rich with the Law

Creating Abundance Through The Law of AttractionHave you ever experienced this?6:00am, and your alarm is ringing in your ears. Your first thought is "not again, I just want to sleep." So you get up to hit the sleep button and you stub your toe. Then you accidentally fall asleep again and wake-up 30 minutes late. Now your rushed through your morning routine. As your driving to work repeating, "I can't be late, I can't be late" you get into a small fender bender which not only makes you late but puts you in a bad place because you haven't paid your car insurance for a couple months.Your experience may not be exactly the same as this, but I'd be willing to be that you have gone through something similar. What is happening here? Is it coincidence, fate or just plain bad luck?(...)
By: Erik Seidelman

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