Friday, December 8, 2006

How's Your Love Life?

By Karen M. Pina
It can be measured by your actions. Are they kind, selfless, and compassionate? Or are your days spent being rude, brash, arrogant, and self-centered?

Everything we do and say for God equals much to do about nothing if it is not anchored and driven by love. Surely we will see the prophecies we speak fail, the hands we lay on producing everything but wholeness, and the relationships we try to build destroyed without love.

Over the last 5-10 years I have heard many leaders, preachers, and pastors speak of revival and the restoration of the miraculous power of God to the church. I tell you the truth, there will be no real revival and no true demonstration of the power of God without kicking our love life up several notches. We hear talk of the return to the Acts church. Umm hmm, yes we do. It will not happen without compassionate, merciful, and burden bearing love.

Article Source:
How's Your Love Life?


NLP na Mazurach


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